20 is the New 10

I’ve been thinking about a new route for the past couple of weeks, but haven’t had the energy or the time to do it, until today.

The full route was just over 20km which is double my usual outings of 10km, hence 20 being the new 10!

This route takes in The Windmills, but first of all I rode there rather than driving, then the return takes in Up Top but in reverse so I ride down the hill rather than up it.

I am going to make this my normal / everyday route form now on. I was going to do the Church 10k in September but I have been advised not to after a small op the week before. This had been my everyday route but it’s not my favourite by any means!

I did manage to stop and take a picture on my way around, this one is looking across the other valley from my normal views, possibly out towards Sheffield or Derbyshire, I will have to find out on a map.

Ride Details

Distance: 12.8 miles (20.6km)

Time Taken: 1hr 15:46

Elevation Gain: 836ft



100 Miles and Counting

I have finally broken the 100 miles ridden on my Strava app this weekend, and no that’s not for one ride, that’s the total I have done in the 3 months I have been riding again.

The main stats are as follows, these are year to date

Distance: 106 miles

Rides: 20

Elevation Gain: 8,556 ft

Time taken: 12 hours 44 mins

I am riding slightly further now as I have decided not to follow set routes and just go where the feeling takes me, hopefully I will get to the next 100 miles a little quicker, in terms of time taken and months.

As the nights draw in, it’s time to get some lights out and cycle routes that are lit, at least partially.

No pictures today as it was very misty when I went out, nothing to see really!

Thursday 22nd August

This has been a bit of a mixed week. I was supposed to go out on Tuesday night, whilst the wife was away at her sister’s. A mixture of getting home late, too much dinner and no lights on the bike meant I wasn’t going to make it.

I knew I would be home early on Thursday as we had my daughter’s appeal to get her into the school we had chosen for her. We won! Home early meant an opportunity to go out early and get some miles into the legs. Alas it turned out I still didn’t get out until after 7 and with fading light I only really had an hour.

A pre-planned route tonight where I took an easier path up near to Up Top, small loop round then down the Up Top route instead of up it. I can see why I keep having to stop now as I had plenty of back and front brake on, it’s incredibly steep and dangerous to ride with cars parked on either side of a very narrow road.

Still I got some more pictures from a slightly different angle, and with not much sun they look totally different to those I took on Sunday’s ride. I don’t think I will ever get bored with looking at this view – Welcome to Yorkshire!

Ride Details

Distance: 6.5 miles

Time Taken: 45.07

Elevation Gain: 565ft




This is a view taken half way down the hill

Sunday 18th August 2013

I’ve decided to start dating my rides and writing about them fairly soon after I’ve done them, more for a reference for me looking back than anything else.

Don’t worry I won’t be detailing every ride, just the ones I think are interesting.

I don’t usually ride on a Sunday evening so it felt a bit odd seeing loads of people about. I decided to just go where the mood took me so went up top, then just rode around a few back lanes until I hit a main road that I recognised, stopping on the way to take a few photos which are below.

Ride details:

Distance: 6.7 miles

Time Taken: 45.44

Elevation Gain: 570ft


Looking out towards Manchester


Emley Moor Mast in the distance


Sunset over the Pennines